Friday, July 24, 2009


> 男生有了女朋友後的20個慘狀

>> 一、沒認識你之前我拿獎學金,認識你之後我差點補考。

>> 二、我忍著讓別人笑話的恥辱給你洗衣服。

>> 三、一個蘋果,都給你吃。兩個蘋果,我把大的給你吃。

>> 四、同吃一條魚,我讓你吃魚肉,我自己吃魚頭。

>> 五、你這麼難看,我還說你漂亮。我這麼帥,你還說我難看。

>> 六、出去玩都是我花錢,回來我只能吃蘿卜(你省下錢當然可以自己吃魚翅了)。

>> 七、認識你之前我沒交過女朋友。認識我之前你交了兩個男朋友。

>> 八、你生氣時,我讓你當出氣筒。我生氣時,我把自己當出氣筒。

>> 九、你想吻我的時候就可以吻我。我想吻你的時候還要經過你同意。

>> 十、你經常打我,我從來沒有打過你。

>> 十一、有一次你問我如果你愛上別的男人了我會怎樣,我說我要殺了那個男的。我又問你如果我愛上了別的女人了你會怎樣,你說你要閹了我。

>> 十二、我買了200塊的衣服給你,騙你才50塊。你買了30塊的手表給我,騙我要300塊。

>> 十三、我把你的耳機用壞了,我買新的賠你。你把我的自行車丟了,連句對不起也沒說。

>> 十四、你生病一次,我要瘦兩斤。我生病一次,你反而胖兩斤(你來寢室陪我,吃光了我所有的零食。)

>> 十五、我沒嫌你矮,你卻嫌我高。

>> 十六、你來我家,我睡沙發。我去你家,還是我睡沙發。

>> 十七、那次去看露天演唱會,你騎在我頭上看得津津有味,我被你壓在下面在人群中流淚。

>> 十八、我家的狗生了,我把最好看的一條送給你。你卻把你養得快要死掉的金魚送給我,害我才養兩天就得給它們送終。

>> 十九、我給你洗了N次的襪子,從未給你丟過一只。你只在我生病的時候給我洗了兩雙襪子,就各丟一只。

>> 二十、我陪你去買東西時我主動幫你提東西,你卻從來沒問過要不要幫我提東西。

Monday, July 20, 2009

Newbie Bowling~

2day morning i went swimming v my fren.
After tat we go pacific n ply bowling...
A lot of Fun~!
This is 家耀。。。。。。。

Tis is my result...all newbie ma!

But i think i have some talent la...

Yay...I am the winner!(Although the result got a bit bit low)^^

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

LG Versa T2

LG Versa变形金刚2限量版的售价是2+++

I ❤ Transformer 2...Awesome Movie!!

It is revealed that thousands of years before Optimus Prime and the other Transformers
arrived on Earth, there was a race of ancient Transformers who scoured the universe looking for Energon sources. Known as the Dynasty of Primes, they used a weapon called the Sun Harvester to drain stars of their energy in order to convert it to Energon and power Cybertron’s AllSpark. The Primes agreed that life-bearing worlds would be spared, but when one brother, who was thereafter dubbed "The Fallen", constructed a Sun Harvester on Earth in 17,000 BCE, the remaining brothers sacrificed their bodies in order to hide the Matrix of Leadership, the key that powers the Sun Harvester, from The Fallen, who swore to seek revenge upon Earth once he found the key.
In present day, two years after the events of the first film, Optimus now leads NEST, a military organization consisting of human troops and his own team of Autobots—including newcomers Arcee, Sideswipe, Jolt, and the twins Skids and Mudflap. While on a mission in Shanghai to kill the remaining Decepticons on Earth. Optimus and his team destroy Decepticons Sideways and Demolishor, only to find a warning: "The Fallen will rise again". Back in the United States, Sam Witwicky finds a splinter of the destroyed AllSpark, and upon contact the splinter fills his mind with Cybertronian symbols, which he is initially unaware contain a riddle that leads to location of the Matrix of Leadership. Sam gives the AllSpark splinter to his girlfriend Mikaela Banes, for safe keeping, and leaves her and Bumblebee behind to go off to college. Upon arrival, Sam meets his college roommate Leo Spitz, who runs an alien conspiracy website, and Alice, a co-ed who makes sexual advances towards him. Back home, Decepticon Wheelie tries to steal the shard, only to get captured by Mikaela and getting his eye burnt. Mikaela immediately leaves to get to Sam, after he had a mental breakdown, uncontrollably writing in Cybertronian language.
Soundwave hacks into a US satellite to eavesdrop on the NEST forces, learning the location of the dead Decepticon leader Megatron, and where another piece of the AllSpark exists. The Decepticons retrieve the shard and use it to resurrect Megatron, who flies into space and is reunited with Starscream and his master, The Fallen. The Fallen instructs Megatron and Starscream to capture Sam in order to discover the location of the Matrix of Leadership. Mikaela arrives in town just as Alice, who is revealed to be a Pretender, attacks Sam. Mikaela, Sam, and his roommate Leo destroy Alice, but are captured by Decepticon Grindor. The Decepticon known as "The Doctor" prepares to remove Sam's brain, but Optimus and Bumblebee appear and rescue him. Sam and Optimus are persued by Megatron into a forest where Optimus engages Megatron into an ensuing battle. Megatron is helped by Grindor and Starscream. In the ensuing battle, Optimus holds the upper hand and kills Grindor and takes off Starscream's arm.
During the battle however, Optimus is impailed through the chest by Megatron and dies. With his dying words, Optimus tells Sam to run and the autobots come to rescue Sam and he escapes.
After Prime's death, Megatron orders a full-scale assault on the planet. The Fallen speaks to the world and demands they surrender Sam to the Decepticons or they will continue their attack. Sam, Mikaela, Leo, Bumblebee, the Twins and Wheelie regroup, Leo believing his online rival "RoboWarrior" may be of assistance. "RoboWarrior" is revealed to be former Sector Seven agent Simmons, who informs the group that the Transformers have visited Earth before, as their language is written on ruins all over the world. Wheelie identifies the language as that of the Primes, and directs the group to a former Decepticon named
Jetfire, who can translate the language. They find and reactivate Jetfire, who teleports the group to Egypt and explains that the tomb of the Primes is located in the surrounding desert, and only a Prime can kill The Fallen. By following the clues, the group locates the Matrix, but it crumbles to dust in Sam's hands. Believing the Matrix can still revive Optimus, Sam collects the dust and instructs Simmons to telephone Major William Lennox to bring the other Autobots and Optimus's body.
The military arrives with the Autobots, but so do the Decepticons, and a battle arises. During the fight, Decepticon
Devastator is formed and unearths the Sun Harvester in one of Egypt's pyramids before being destroyed by the US military. Jetfire arrives in time to save the group from Mixmaster, but is mortally wounded by Scorponok. The Air Force carpet bombs the Decepticons, but Megatron breaks through the offensive and kills Sam.
In a vision, Sam meets with the other Primes, who tell him that the Matrix of Leadership is not found but earned, which Sam has done, and send him back. The dust reassembles to form the Matrix, which Sam uses to revive Optimus. The Fallen steals the Matrix shortly after that and activates the Sun Harvester. In a final effort, Jetfire volunteers his parts and spark, giving Optimus the power he needs to defeat The Fallen. With enhanced capabilities, Optimus destroys the Sun Harvester and takes on Megatron and The Fallen, killing The Fallen and saving humanity. Megatron and Starscream retreat and vow that their fight is not finished.

Scene of T 2
